Monday, March 19, 2012




Who in the world would be against these characteristics? Who could oppose such positive forces in a person’s life, or a christian’s life for that matter?

The plain truth, MANY PEOPLE. But why? Closest answer is that the Christians they already know, do not observe all or most of these attributes. What they the christians profess vastly differs from their daily lives. When interacting with such christians, attributes other than what is proclaimed on a Sunday or in christian gatherings is evident.

Because of self serving agenda or cause, these christians prevent others from seeing the Christ in them. Instead they see hate, grudges, indifference, harshness, anger and lies.

If Christianity is about Christ, anything other than His love, forgiveness and compassionate gift of eternal life, that we display sends the wrong message.

Our lives need to be consistent with the underlining message in 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12

What is it that stands in your way in being that channel or vessel for Christ? Spiritual dryness, double standards, defeated walk?

Just as physical drought teaches us that there is no substitute for rain, a time of spiritual dryness burns into us the truth that we cannot live without God’s renewing Spirit. He is faithful to declare, His mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23

At times it mandates measures like identifying and dealing with an unrepentant and ungrateful heart, our past sins and hurts which constantly prevents us from a spiritual breakthrough.

Failure or delaying to address this quickly again demonstrates the adversary’s grip or influence in a believer’s life which often results in breakdown in relationships and communication. This ultimately sends the wrong message to others. What devastation christians foster by being that window of hopelessness and despair to an already lost world?

Take the necessary steps of consulting with your counselors or leaders with urgency.

Instead of being the light placed on a hilltop, we douse that light so others won’t see.

Sadly this is the honest truth. Being caught in a vicious cycle of a defeated life, and repeated sins, causes no alarm or urgency to go on the mend (damage control mode) for many believers. In such instances, nothing much can be done, except the individual concerned takes the initiative. Time to say enough is enough. Time to decide the vicious cycle of repeated sin and error riddled living is broken by the power of the cross. Its time to decide.

For the Word is clear, unless you open the door of your heart, the Savior will remain at the doorstep of one’s life. Jesus says, “Behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock, if anyone hears and opens the door, then I will come in and dine with him.” Rev 3:20

This clearly typifies a case of respecting one’s will or decision. So today decide the type of vessel you wish to be and the type of message you choose to send. Reach out in the words of the Psalmist “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”Psalm 85:6

Again the Word of God declares, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippinas 4:13.

There are many such promises in the bible which is just not a book of wishful thinking; but is a book of well-founded confidence in God’s purpose and plan for believers.

Let Him shine through your life so others can see Him. Live so that others will want to know your Savior.

Stand up and be counted so that on the day of recognition you will be justly rewarded. It is only Christ who can quench the world’s spiritual thirst.

Be that window of opportunity to others.

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