Monday, March 5, 2012



Jonah chapters 3 & 4

Prophet Jonah was grieved by the grace of God. Now we at some point of our lives,  can relate to this on more than one occasion, cant we? God told Jonah to preach repentance to the Ninevites but he stood firm to the belief the wicked in that city deserved no less than destruction. It was common knowledge Nineveh was synonymous with brutality and cruelty.

So firm was his belief, he ran off from the given task, but this proved futile as God brought him into submission to His will by checking-in Jonah three nights in the belly of a large fish, presumably a whale.

In towing the line the unthinkable happened; The people of Nineveh repented. Now what comes after this is interesting, and I dare  not ask how many of us would have similarly reacted?

Jonah infuriated by the end result of repentance, poured out his frustration before God: “I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, One who relents from doing harm” (Jonah 4:2).

As Christians we do not do the obvious by blurting out condemnation towards others we feel deserving such, but we have the capacity to carry this out in not so many words.

Through our inactions, stubborness, denial-mode, prolonged silence towards a pressing issue and being oblivious.

Its easier to act as such when the prevalent issues involves us, our reputation, meaning our mistakes gets exposed in the process. Like Jonah in the beginning,  we will not proceed to execute the appropriate measures.

James Edwards in his book Divine Intruder, reminds us the story of Jonah ultimately points a finger at us. He asks, “Will we bind God by our judgements, or will we free God to transform our enemies – even ourselves by grace?”

It is in humility we should approach this God who is supremely gracious, merciful and slow to anger, having received such would in turn gladly relent from doing harm to others.

What are you running from today? What are the issues prevailing around you that refuses to go away? Are you in such a dilemma? If so could it be like Jonah you are on the run from addressing issues?

Did you know God calls us to reach out to the people we come into contact with , whom He longs to show His mercy and love through our lives.

Running away only gets you into the stenchful belly of a fish, and that is the aroma you will exude, but obedience brings you into the fragrant presence of the Living God.

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