Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas as always has that strong appeal for goodwill, joy, giving and sharing. This Christmas is no different from the others, but what caught my attention is the essence of Christmas, ‘the birth of Christ’ has over the years dissipated. 

Instead we greet each other with Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and Merry X’Mas. Under such circumstance how can one relate to the real reason for the season – Jesus Christ whose birth has a distinct flavor and purpose, tailor-made to meet the need of a world in turmoil and without hope? 

Santa Claus, Frosty and even Rudolf the Reindeer has taken center stage, relegating the only Savior of mankind and the King of kings to the lower rungs of importance.

Correspondent Roger Rosenblatt of Time magazine had this to say after having watched Frank Capra’s much loved Christmas classic ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’; “the part about George Bailey’s family and friends rallying around him in his time of greatest need is all about friendship. Just when George thinks he’s alone in the world, the world shows up to declare its love for him.”

Now that epitomizes the essence of our celebration of the birth of Jesus. Just when we thought we are alone in this world, devoid of hope after having trying everything else the world has to offer, Christ turns up to take our place as the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, relieving us of the chores of performing rituals, sacrifices and all other practices, to absolve us from eternal condemnation, and declare His love for us.

Not only did God send His Son into the world at the precise and exact time (Galatians 4:4-5), but He also demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while were yet sinners, lost and without hope both in this and the after life, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).

That dear one and all, is the real message of Christmas which opens the door to a wonderful life – the joy of knowing Christ and living in His love.

Have you received His gift for you this Christmas?

“A wonderful life is yours when you know the Christ of Christmas.”

Monday, October 29, 2012


School holidays was fun time but the waiting during a train ride during the late 60s through 70s was something of a dislike. At every station stop along the way to either Ipoh or Batu Gajah, I would trim the number of stops on my little paper before my stop is due. 

Much later the waiting took place again, this time at some airport in a distant land. Most certainly I didn't enjoy it either but this time it was a waiting with anticipation.

When I get home, I would be welcomed by my loved ones.

A similar kind of waiting was expressed by the one who wrote Psalm 130.

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;
Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope.

I wait for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel
from all the
ir sins.

Clearly it appears he was in the ebb time of his life and in much despair over the guilt he bore.Verses 1-3 describes this.

In his petition he prays for forgiveness but much more than this it was the Lord Himself for whom he awaits. Just like the anticipation of a watchman who knows that light will appear at the crack of dawn.

Aren't we all hurting in many areas of lives? We too can look to Him and await with anticipation. The Lord will surely come to our rescue, be it through a rhema Word, counsel from friends/leaders or the quiet witness of the Holy Spirit. 

One thing is certain, as surely as morning light always breaks the darkness of night, He will meet our need

Friday, October 12, 2012

Little Boy's Explanation of God ~ Fabulous!!!

Out of the mouths of the Babes ~

It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in Chula Vista, CA . He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to 'explain God.'
I wonder if any of us could have done as well?
(and he had such an assignment, in California, and someone published it, I guess miracles do happen!)


'One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.'

'God's second most important job is listening to prayers An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.'

'God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.'

'Atheists are people who don't believe inGod. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista . At least there aren't any who come to our church.'

'Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God.They finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him. But he was good and kind, like his father, and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.'

'His dad (God) appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important.'

'You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.'

'You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God!

Don't skip church to do something you think will
be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.'

'If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. 

It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.'

' shouldn't just always think of whatGod can do for you. I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases.

And...that's why I believe in God.'

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Many a times I've come across stories of magical genies popping up from a bottle, a lamp and the magical wishes they grant. There were times in my growing years I had wished chancing upon one such mythical figure but you know the end just as well as I did.

All this stems from the fact our desire to have everything we want in this life. If anything, life teaches us nothing comes that easy and more so whatever is it that we achieved will never satisfy us fully.

No arguments with that I hope.To add weight to this yearning the story about a stockbroker, though a folklore, is a rather poignant.

In this story he appeared to encounter a genie and was offered just one wish, to which he asked he be given a copy of the local newspaper dated half a year into the future.He hurriedly turned to the financial page of the local daily, hoping to make a killing in the market.More than what he bargained for is what he got. On the opposite end of the page was an obituary of him with clear details of his horrendous death the preceding day.

Mark 8:36 has a clear message: "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

Whilst we cannot know what the future holds, we however can ask the Lord to turn us away from trivial pursuits and direct our hearts to follow Him.

That was the prayer of Moses in Psalms 90;12: "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Thursday, July 26, 2012


A Jewish businessman in Chicago decided to send his son to Israel to absorb some of the culture of the homeland. When the son returned, the father asked him to tell him about his trip. 

The son said, "Pop, I had a great time in Israel . By the way, I converted to Christianity."

"Oy vey," said the father. "Vot haf I dun?" He decided to go ask his friend Jacob what to do.

Jake said, "Funny you should ask. I too sent my son to Israel , and he also came back a Christian. Perhaps we should go see the rabbi and ask him what we should do." So they went to see the rabbi. 

The rabbi said, "Funny you should ask. I too sent my son to Israel . He also came back a Christian. What is happening to our young people? Perhaps we should go talk to God and ask him what to do."

The three of them prayed and explained what had happened to their sons and asked God what to do. 

Suddenly a voice came loud and clear from Heaven. The Voice said, "Funny you should ask. I, too, sent my Son to Israel .. ..... !

Saturday, July 14, 2012


John 7:37-39:

37 On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Have you stopped to consider just how versatile a common household sponge is. I'd say amazingly so. Personally, I've used them for washing cars, dishes, mop floors and years ago, even bathe my little children. If you have not pondered its efficiency to absorb and release liquid countless number of time when squeezed, be mindful the next time you do so. There is a parallel in each and everything.

Similarly in life, there exist this flow; a continuous interchange of receiving (taking in) and giving out. These two processes are inter-dependent on each other.

The giving out relies solely on the power to take in.

In John 7:37, Jesus invited those who thirst to come to Him and drink. Specifically, He was directing this at people who needed to place their faith in Him, by this allowing His Spirit to fill them with the gift of salvation.

To put it plainly, when we live for Christ and serve Him, we will recognize the continual need for His Spirit to fill us, in order for Him to work in and through us. It is not a one off process but a daily happening whereby we come before His throne of grace for His mercies which flows afresh each day.

Is there a heart-wringing trial you are experiencing, having so dried you up or emptied you and you thirst for this to pass by? Perhaps you are experiencing a deluge of financial burden, insurmountable targets, failure in relationship or finding acceptance in the midst of society in the process robbing you of the much desired love, peace, happiness and fulfillment.

Take heed, 'It is only in the emptiness that comes from the parting with what we have, that the divine fullness of His Spirit can flow in,'.  Andrew Murray

There must be a letting go out of obedience and belief in His word. 

Place a dry sponge on the palm of your hand and imagine its readiness to absorb more water. That's you as you begin to empty your woes and troubles unto Him with belief in your heart.  He will fill you with His Spirit and begin to turn things around.

Those who recognize their need for living water will have their thirst quenched by Christ, who is the Living Water.

Next time you handle a sponge, remember all is not lost. Be a sponge!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."Matthew 25:21. 

In the mid 1850's a troubled teenager from Northfield, Massachusetts moved to Boston to try to find work. 
He hadn't gone to school beyond the fifth grade; he couldn't spell, his grammar was awful and his manners were brash and crude. 

Thankfully, an uncle took him on as a shoe salesman--on condition that he be obedient and that he attend church.

The boy had been raised in a Unitarian church which denied the full divinity of Messiah and did not emphasize human need for salvation from sins. 
At his uncle's church, he began learning about these things, but decided that he wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the world and wait until just before he died to give His life to the Lord. 

However, through the kindness and persistence of his Sunday School teacher-
Edward Kimball, the rebellious teen was encouraged to continue coming to church and study the Bible regularly. 
Kimball said he had never seen anyone whose mind was as spiritually dark.

On April 21, 1855, Kimball decided to pay a special visit to the boy at his uncle's shoe store in order to ask if he would commit his life to the Lord. 
The boy listened closely and gave his heart to God that day. 

Immediately he began sharing his faith with others. 
Later, the young man moved to Chicago. 

He wandered the streets to find other young boys to bring to his Church. 
He had a passion for saving souls and determined never to let a day pass without telling someone about the gospel. 

The boy's name was D.L. Moody.
And he became a great man of faith.

Among his many achievements on either side of the Atlantic was the founding of Moody Bible Institute. 
In fact, to this day, Moody Bible Institute and the Moody Broadcasting Network continue to reach thousands of souls on a daily basis! 
It was estimated that before D.L. Moody passed away that as many as a million souls were brought to the Lord.

What a testimony Moody's is! 

But we overlook the fact that it was a faithful Sunday school teacher's obedience and persistence that changed the course of history! 
We may think we are doing very little for the the Lord... that we're merely teaching a few kids at Sunday school. 

But the Lord can use anyone in His service...those whose hearts are given to Him. 

Be an Edward Kimball-
-  reach out and touch someone today for Him.
Through one touch, you may be touching future millions.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Can you answer the following questions in one word?

1. The word has seven letters....
2. Preceded God...
3. Greater than God...
4. More Evil than the devil...
5. All poor people have it...
6. Wealthy people need it....
7. If you eat it, you will die.

Did you figure it out?

Try hard before looking at the answers

Did you get it yet?
Give up?

Brace yourself for the answer....

The Answer is: 

NOTHING has 7 letters.
NOTHING preceded God.
NOTHING is greater than God.
NOTHING is more Evil than the devil.
All poor people have NOTHING.
Wealthy people need NOTHING.
If you eat NOTHING, you will die. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


What did you say is wrong with this picture?

I cringe whenever I hear preachers standing behind a pulpit making blanket statements condemning gadgets such as the Laptop, Smartphones and Ipad as destructive. 

This was common a few 
years ago.


There was a time the cross era Jews much to their chagrin vilified all attempts to translate the bible in print instead of chugging around with the scrolls. Heresies and judgemental rebukes were the order of the day.

With time however today we accept the bible in the printed form and that too with the many versions.

Well the time has come when the norm would be to access the scripture via the tablets, Smartphones and no telling what else. I often wondered about the end times, in the book of Revelation, as to how the world would get to see the return of Christ in majestic splendor and glory simultaneously or watch 'LIVE".

Well apart from the idiot box, these are the other avenues I'd say. So preacherman, please abstain from making foolish statements about the advent of such gadgets during sunday service as the fool may turn out to be you.

Some of the ones already using these have to acknowledge their once scepticism openly announced over the pulpit


Challenging task ahead: 

Proposal to set-up six community centers for some of the remote tribes, to enable their children attend pre-school activities.

Apparently the ones set-up by the local authorities ends with their children embracing other religion's virtues much to the parents' displeasure.

For starters, logistics issues in hard terrain, planning and design implementation of CKD structures are challenging. But the works got to be done. Kudos to my enthusiastic never-say-die team.

Monday, July 2, 2012


RM50.00 looks so big an amount when
given to the poor,

But looks small when given
as a tip in a hotel.

Praying for three minutes looks hard,
But three hours of movie is okay.

After a day of hardwork , there is no
problem going to the gym,
But to do house work and help;
we feel tired.

One hesitates to give a piece of bread
to the child in the picture,
But this painting where he looks sad
was sold for RM10,000.00.

Luke 6:38:

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap.

For with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you."
It not only applies to finances but talents, time, understanding, forbearance and being considerate.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


In today’s world of inexpensive, high-tech spy gadgetry, total privacy has become a bygone word of yesterday. So rare it has become a rare and precious longing to many. Innovative cameras are used to record and monitor people’s movement in public as in an ATM booth, malls, banks, watch shops, goldsmiths and traffic intersection. 

In one of my walkabouts along the streets of Jalan Pasar, Pudu, I was astonished to learn of the tiny wireless recording video gadgets retailing for less than RM100.00. 

Accounts of these being used indiscriminately by some irresponsible quarters for purpose of entrapment and exploitation is common news. Less than honorable I’d say.

But King David in Psalms 139 contrast all of the above depiction on the subject of privacy so much longed for. There is a mood of revelry learning that his every movement is monitored.

After all the One who keeps watch over him is the Almighty God who neither sleep nor slumber.
Verse 6 speaks how God knows every thought, word and deed, even before they take place, prompting him to declare gladly; “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it”.

Did you think there was this place so dark, remote and deep that is beyond the presence, guidance and protection of the Almighty God? Did you entertain thoughts  you will walk  the remaining years of your life in solitude, inconspicuous, devoid of love, attention, then think again.  Verse 2 proclaims He has you in mind, when you sit down, and when you rise up, He discerns your every thought from afar. 

Grasp this truth, your fortunes are about to change, even as you let belief flood your heart, like that of a little child. 

Consider the Psalmist’s declaration in verses 7-10. No darkness could withstand the overpowering light that radiates from the Almighty. 

Just as the Almighty God knew every thing about King David, likewise every hair on your head, thought, desire, longings, difficulties you can possibly think of is known to Him. Yes, even the habitual mistakes that often gets you in trouble, to the point you stop trying to make amends, thinking all is lost.

It is recorded in verses 17 & 18, the number of times God thought of David could not be counted, for it is far more vast than the sand.

It is to your advantage to know you will never ever walk alone again, for Christ walks beside you. Such a dear Friend you will ever know and cherish, ever willing to guide and comfort you all the days of your life

No walking alone, you never will again, for He is with you from the womb to the tomb, and thereafter in eternity.

He possesses your innermost parts and did weave you in your mother’s womb.

You are never alone, when alone with Christ!


" For as he thinks within himself, so he is" Proverbs 23:7

The first principle for success is to begin to soar in your thinking. The keynote scripture Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as you think within yourself, so you are."

There is an imminent link between how you think in your mind and how you perform as a person. As you see and perceive yourself, so you become the person that you see yourself to be.

People with low self image, people who continually put themselves down, rarely achieve anything great in life because they have deemed themselves unworthy and have robbed themselves of the crative capacity to see themselves as God does.

True humility is not putting yourself down, but seeing yourself from God's perspective, His Word. As Christians, you've been bought with a price, you have been justified, you've been made in right standing with God. 

Therefore, you are in a position to think about yourself in a correct manner, as an achiever, as one with potential, as one who is able to do all things.

The bible in Ephesians 3:20 says that God wants "to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think."

What a dynamic thought! God wants to do in and through us even more than we can think or comprehend! Therefore, think about what can be, not what cannot be. Major on the possibility, not on the impossibility.

When you were born again as a new christian, you were born into a land of opportunity.

New frontiers of aplenty is now your playing field. It is exciting to be a Christian because you can realise your desire. You can do anything and be anything. 

Many, because of confusion and being misinformed, vacillate between two possibilities, not knowing which one is God's will. But regardless of how spiritual either possibility is, if you're not sure which one is God's will, you're not doing anything thus resulting in stagnancy.

The bible has something to say about people who are torn between choices; 

"UNSTABLE IN ALL YOUR WAYS AND ARE DOUBLE MINDED". James 1:8God's will is what you want to do. This sounds shocking at first; it does not sound spiritual enough, nor does it sound tangible enough to possibly be God's will. 

But the bible explicitly says in Philippians 2:13 that "It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." There it is. God Himself is working in you to will. As you pray, read His Word, fellowship with His people, and are open to His counsel, He is working in you to will. 

His will is entwined with yours in tandem, and your will is becoming His. So taking this verse' mystery aspect out of the equation, one should now confidently embark wholeheartedly on the will and desires of the heart that was placed there by God, in the process seeking to please Him always.

Yes you can do anything and be anything. Grasp it in your spirit as you soar. Begin to see yourself as God does. And catch the vision of a life of fulfillment. Begin to soar in you mind right now. Allow God to drop that vision in you and give you a goal, a dream, a new desire. Your vision, dream, goal and desire evolves into reality when you begin to SOAR, when you begin to think "I don't have to be sick," "I don't have to fall into bankruptcy," I don't have to be depressed," and "they're not God's plan for me." It's a simple act of faith; yes simple as a toddler's early steps, faith of a mustard seed.

SOAR like an eagle on the wind of God's Spirit, wherewith from the heights you get a clear perpective.

"A man's worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions." Marcus Aurelius

"To break the stalemates in our lives and begin to think and act creatively, we must first recognize that although the body is doomed to decay, this is not so with the mind. 

Your mind and thoughts are capable of infinite growth and development. Right up to the moment you die, your thoughts can be alert and growing." Selwyn Hughes

Saturday, June 9, 2012


A visitor to London entered a phone booth in Central London to make a call. This was round about dusk and he was obviously having difficulty finding the digits on the dial. There was a light in the booth but he didn't know how to turn it on. 

A passer-by noticed his predicament and stopped to say, "Sir, if you want the lights on, you need to shut the door". I am sure you know how this works.

The embarrassed visitor was however delighted to find the booth filled with light and the call was made.

Similarly, when we come before the throne of grace to pray, we need to 'shut the door'. This is to block out the hustle and bustle of the busy world that could hamper our thoughts and emphasis to pray diligently.This act of shutting out the trappings of a busy world, turns on the light of His wisdom as we withdraw to our closet and pray in solitude.

Jesus often withdrew to be alone with the heavenly Father for strength and guidance, sometimes at the end of a busy day (Luke 5:12-16), or prior to making an important decision (Luke 6:12-13).

1 John 5:14 assures us that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us and answers us., but we must remember to "SHUT THE DOOR", by getting alone with the Lord.

Matthew 6:6

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


Other scripture reference:

Luke 5:12-16

12 While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy.[a] When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

14 Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

15 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Luke 6:12-13

12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.

13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.

1 John 5:14

14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Growing Old

June 8 often gets me thinking the inevitable- Growing Old.

Dissappointed wth a Harley Cake.
Should've been a Bike
Recently, a  friend in a similar situation, was relating of the time spent dividing between visiting children abroad or awaiting for that call from a loved one for that annual travel companionship. 

Another I know of, is often in despair, putting up with the belated financial support from his now grown up independent children, all of whom live  comfortable lives with families of their own. 

Yet another widowed, is resigned to an old folks home, having endless days fighting loneliness in a crowded home. 

One or all of the above could be a reality and its nightmarish in the case of a widow, widower, bachelor, spinster or a divorcee in the twilight of their years.

Psalm 71:17-21: 

17 God, You have taught me from my youth, And I still declare Your wondrous deeds. 18 And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to thisgeneration, Your power to all who are to come. 

19 For Your righteousness, O God, reaches to theheavens, You who have done great things ; O God, who is like You? 20 You who have shown memany troubles and distresses Will revive me again, And will bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 21 May You increase my greatness And turn to comfort me. 
Our senior years can be viewed as a pleasantly hapless era when we qualify for retirement benefits,
exhaust our EPF savings, senior discounts, hopeful for that invite from our children for visits, or frantically pre-plan travel itenary to suit another's and have a lot of time doing little. 

Or we can see them as a time of great opportunity to be used for God. There's so much left to do.

We can serve as mentors, teaching wisdom and virtue. Seniors can point to the ancient paths of holy living, okay lets not term it as that, perhaps the lessons learnt used to encourage young believers  (Psalm 71:18 & Jeremiah 6:16)

There is power in the example of an ordinary life lived with an awareness of God's presence - seeing Him in everything and doing all things for Him, in Him and through Him. 

This is the mark of the mature soul, quietly and humbly going about ordinary tasks, living in joy, and leaving behind the fragrance of Jesus' love.

Should our journey lead to illness and weakness, and we're confined to a wheelchair, our homes and eventually our beds, our years of fruitful service need not end here. We can still PRAY which is one of the special privileges of infirmity, or may be its greatest benefit.

Above all else, we can LOVE,
 our last and best gift to God and to humanity.

Mentoring, being a godly example, praying and loving are the opportunities of growing old with God.
A new found friend does just that with prayer texts at the crack of dawn. I am delighted. Time to pass the torch.

"We never retire from being useful to God"!

Sunday, May 27, 2012



It has been four years today since you left us and 
is hard on us to let go physically. 
But we carry you with us each and everyday in our 
hearts and our thoughts. 

The sun rising will remind us of the warmth of your love. Flowers blooming will remind us of your love for life. Our trials and tribulations will remind us of how strong 
willed you were.

You gave the children all the stepping stones in life to become the people we are today, and through it all you stood proud of us all. 

You loved us from our first breath, held our hands through the years, guided us along the paths that our lives took, taught us that there is nothing we can't make it through to hold our faith and follow our hearts. 

You gave us your all and asked nothing in return.

A woman of extreme strength, courage and love, who was beautiful, soft and now peaceful and free as a dove.

Someone on whom our admiration was built around, for your motherhood, as a spouse, friend and grandmother since you were brought into this world. 

Your ability to hold yourself with such dignity and pride in all your days, Your beauty shines in us all who were blessed to be a part of you.

We will carry you in our eyes, minds, and hearts. Your family; husband, children and grandson, meant everything in the world to you.

You took a little part of us with you as you follow your angels who will guide you to your precious place.

May you look down on us with pride on what you imparted with your guidance in which you are now truly our angel of grace.

As you dwell in heaven's abode, may you rest in peace for which you truly deserve. For you will be truly missed and remembered for your love and honor in which we will preserve.

There's a part of you in each and every person that hears or reads this and we can all be so honored that you were a part of our lives.

We love you always and forever and may God be with you. Now this we dedicate to you;

If tears could build a stairway 

And memories were a lane

We would walk right up to heaven where you are, 
to bring you home again

No farewell words were spoken

No time to say goodbye

You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still aches in sadness
And secret tears still flow

What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know

You and angels around God's happy throne
We would have held you closer had we 
ever known

You to us was a wonderful mother and wife 

Heavens abode your well deserved 
resting place!