Thursday, June 21, 2012


" For as he thinks within himself, so he is" Proverbs 23:7

The first principle for success is to begin to soar in your thinking. The keynote scripture Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as you think within yourself, so you are."

There is an imminent link between how you think in your mind and how you perform as a person. As you see and perceive yourself, so you become the person that you see yourself to be.

People with low self image, people who continually put themselves down, rarely achieve anything great in life because they have deemed themselves unworthy and have robbed themselves of the crative capacity to see themselves as God does.

True humility is not putting yourself down, but seeing yourself from God's perspective, His Word. As Christians, you've been bought with a price, you have been justified, you've been made in right standing with God. 

Therefore, you are in a position to think about yourself in a correct manner, as an achiever, as one with potential, as one who is able to do all things.

The bible in Ephesians 3:20 says that God wants "to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think."

What a dynamic thought! God wants to do in and through us even more than we can think or comprehend! Therefore, think about what can be, not what cannot be. Major on the possibility, not on the impossibility.

When you were born again as a new christian, you were born into a land of opportunity.

New frontiers of aplenty is now your playing field. It is exciting to be a Christian because you can realise your desire. You can do anything and be anything. 

Many, because of confusion and being misinformed, vacillate between two possibilities, not knowing which one is God's will. But regardless of how spiritual either possibility is, if you're not sure which one is God's will, you're not doing anything thus resulting in stagnancy.

The bible has something to say about people who are torn between choices; 

"UNSTABLE IN ALL YOUR WAYS AND ARE DOUBLE MINDED". James 1:8God's will is what you want to do. This sounds shocking at first; it does not sound spiritual enough, nor does it sound tangible enough to possibly be God's will. 

But the bible explicitly says in Philippians 2:13 that "It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." There it is. God Himself is working in you to will. As you pray, read His Word, fellowship with His people, and are open to His counsel, He is working in you to will. 

His will is entwined with yours in tandem, and your will is becoming His. So taking this verse' mystery aspect out of the equation, one should now confidently embark wholeheartedly on the will and desires of the heart that was placed there by God, in the process seeking to please Him always.

Yes you can do anything and be anything. Grasp it in your spirit as you soar. Begin to see yourself as God does. And catch the vision of a life of fulfillment. Begin to soar in you mind right now. Allow God to drop that vision in you and give you a goal, a dream, a new desire. Your vision, dream, goal and desire evolves into reality when you begin to SOAR, when you begin to think "I don't have to be sick," "I don't have to fall into bankruptcy," I don't have to be depressed," and "they're not God's plan for me." It's a simple act of faith; yes simple as a toddler's early steps, faith of a mustard seed.

SOAR like an eagle on the wind of God's Spirit, wherewith from the heights you get a clear perpective.

"A man's worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions." Marcus Aurelius

"To break the stalemates in our lives and begin to think and act creatively, we must first recognize that although the body is doomed to decay, this is not so with the mind. 

Your mind and thoughts are capable of infinite growth and development. Right up to the moment you die, your thoughts can be alert and growing." Selwyn Hughes

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