Thursday, June 21, 2012


In today’s world of inexpensive, high-tech spy gadgetry, total privacy has become a bygone word of yesterday. So rare it has become a rare and precious longing to many. Innovative cameras are used to record and monitor people’s movement in public as in an ATM booth, malls, banks, watch shops, goldsmiths and traffic intersection. 

In one of my walkabouts along the streets of Jalan Pasar, Pudu, I was astonished to learn of the tiny wireless recording video gadgets retailing for less than RM100.00. 

Accounts of these being used indiscriminately by some irresponsible quarters for purpose of entrapment and exploitation is common news. Less than honorable I’d say.

But King David in Psalms 139 contrast all of the above depiction on the subject of privacy so much longed for. There is a mood of revelry learning that his every movement is monitored.

After all the One who keeps watch over him is the Almighty God who neither sleep nor slumber.
Verse 6 speaks how God knows every thought, word and deed, even before they take place, prompting him to declare gladly; “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it”.

Did you think there was this place so dark, remote and deep that is beyond the presence, guidance and protection of the Almighty God? Did you entertain thoughts  you will walk  the remaining years of your life in solitude, inconspicuous, devoid of love, attention, then think again.  Verse 2 proclaims He has you in mind, when you sit down, and when you rise up, He discerns your every thought from afar. 

Grasp this truth, your fortunes are about to change, even as you let belief flood your heart, like that of a little child. 

Consider the Psalmist’s declaration in verses 7-10. No darkness could withstand the overpowering light that radiates from the Almighty. 

Just as the Almighty God knew every thing about King David, likewise every hair on your head, thought, desire, longings, difficulties you can possibly think of is known to Him. Yes, even the habitual mistakes that often gets you in trouble, to the point you stop trying to make amends, thinking all is lost.

It is recorded in verses 17 & 18, the number of times God thought of David could not be counted, for it is far more vast than the sand.

It is to your advantage to know you will never ever walk alone again, for Christ walks beside you. Such a dear Friend you will ever know and cherish, ever willing to guide and comfort you all the days of your life

No walking alone, you never will again, for He is with you from the womb to the tomb, and thereafter in eternity.

He possesses your innermost parts and did weave you in your mother’s womb.

You are never alone, when alone with Christ!

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