Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas as always has that strong appeal for goodwill, joy, giving and sharing. This Christmas is no different from the others, but what caught my attention is the essence of Christmas, ‘the birth of Christ’ has over the years dissipated. 

Instead we greet each other with Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and Merry X’Mas. Under such circumstance how can one relate to the real reason for the season – Jesus Christ whose birth has a distinct flavor and purpose, tailor-made to meet the need of a world in turmoil and without hope? 

Santa Claus, Frosty and even Rudolf the Reindeer has taken center stage, relegating the only Savior of mankind and the King of kings to the lower rungs of importance.

Correspondent Roger Rosenblatt of Time magazine had this to say after having watched Frank Capra’s much loved Christmas classic ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’; “the part about George Bailey’s family and friends rallying around him in his time of greatest need is all about friendship. Just when George thinks he’s alone in the world, the world shows up to declare its love for him.”

Now that epitomizes the essence of our celebration of the birth of Jesus. Just when we thought we are alone in this world, devoid of hope after having trying everything else the world has to offer, Christ turns up to take our place as the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, relieving us of the chores of performing rituals, sacrifices and all other practices, to absolve us from eternal condemnation, and declare His love for us.

Not only did God send His Son into the world at the precise and exact time (Galatians 4:4-5), but He also demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while were yet sinners, lost and without hope both in this and the after life, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).

That dear one and all, is the real message of Christmas which opens the door to a wonderful life – the joy of knowing Christ and living in His love.

Have you received His gift for you this Christmas?

“A wonderful life is yours when you know the Christ of Christmas.”